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About the Journal

Journal of Neurosurgery and Clinical Neurology is an international peer-reviewed, online-accessible, open-access compendium of high-impact manuscripts.

Aims and Scope

The widely acclaimed Journal of Neurosurgery and Clinical Neurology provides an open academic forum for the exchange of scientific ideas and concepts among scholars worldwide. The Journal of Neurosurgery and Clinical Neurology publishes critically-selected peer-reviewed research manuscripts seeking to advance neuro oncological, functional, pediatric, cerebrovascular, spinal, and peripheral nerve neurosurgery and basic and clinical neuroscience. We seek to inspire the dissemination of novel ideas and concepts endeavoring to Push the Frontiers of Neurosurgery and Neuroscience to new heights. We seek to attract contributions from the most distinguished authorities in respective subdisciplines while providing junior investigators with a forum to present their ideas. The manuscripts are critically reviewed by world-renowned Editors and Reviewers seeking to help authors generate widely-cited articles. We are actively applying to have the journal cited in PubMed, Medline, and Scimago databases.


The journal is owned by Acquaint Publications.

Open Access

Articles published by the Journal of Neurosurgery and Clinical Neurology are made openly, freely, and permanently accessible online immediately commencing from the date of publication. Please refer to open access for further information. We publish manuscripts under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY). The CC-BY permits maximal dissemination of open access materials, preferred by many investigators and research funding bodies. Under the tenets of this license, users are free to copy, distribute, transmit, and remix (adapt) the contribution for any set of purposes, even commercially, provided the users appropriately acknowledge the original authors and the funding source.

Authors retain the copyright of their work and the rights to make specified re-uses of the works.

Editorial Policies

All manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Neurosurgery and Clinical Neurology should conform to OAE's Editorial Policies.

Peer Review

The Journal of Neurosurgery and Clinical Neurology adheres to rigorous peer review processes and undergoes double-blinded peer review. Please see Author Guidelines.

Publication Ethics Statement

The Journal of Neurosurgery and Clinical Neurology is membered with other sister journals under Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). We completely adhere to its Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines.

The Editorial Board Members of the Journal of Neurosurgery and Clinical Neurology enforce a rigorous peer-review process coupled with strict ethical policies and standards in order to ensure we include only the highest quality scientific works to the respective sub-disciplines of scholarly publication. We rapidly identify and quench attempts at plagiarism, data misrepresentation, injudicious image modification, and inappropriate author lists. We employ Crosscheck (powered by iThenticate) in order to confirm the originality of submissions


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Subjects covered by the Journal of Neurosurgery and Clinical Neurology:

Advance trends in neurology and neuroscience
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Basic and clinical neurological research
Behavioral effects in the realms of motivation, perception, learning, and memory
Biomarker Studies for Multiple Sclerosis and Research Targets Neurologic Complications of Cancer
Brain Aneurysm
Brain Neurology
Brain Stroke
Brain Tumor
Chronically worsening focal neurologic deficits
Clinical Neurology and Clinical Neurophysiology
CNS and Neurological Disorders-Drug Targets
Cognitive processes and their implementation in the brain
Conceptual approaches to improve regeneration and rehabilitation
Cranial Neuropathies
Developmental diseases of the nervous system
Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology
Diagnosis and Treatment
Endoscopic-Assisted Trigeminal neuralgia and Hemifacial spasm
Functional neuroimaging and computer modeling
Fundamental mechanisms of neural growth and aging
Human Brain Mapping
Huntington’s Disease and Parkinson’s Disease
Intellectual Disability
Inter-relationships of individual neuronal systems
Manic Despondency
Mood Disorder
Multiple System Atrophy
Neocortical development Nervous system
Nerve cells
Neural Circuits Neural Dynamics
Neuro Pediatrics
Neurotechnology and Neuro infectious Diseases
Neurodegeneration diseases
Neurodegenerative Disorders
Neuroimaging and molecular imaging
Neuroinflammatory Mechanisms
Neurological Disorders Relative Treatment
Neurological Physiotherapy
Neurological progress, concerning new developments in the field of clinical neurology and neurosurgery
Neurology: Ethics and Legal Issues
Neuromuscular Disorders
Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences
Neurosurgical Complications and Case Reports
Neurosurgical Emergencies
Optimal neurologic function and neurological diseases
Parkinson's disease
Peripheral Neuropathy
The psychological study of personality, emotion, and mood
Seizure Disorder
Spinal cord and peripheral nerve diseases.
Structure and metabolism of the nerve cell
Tourette syndrome
Traumatic brain injury and neuromuscular diseases
Trigeminal neuralgia
Vertebrate and human brain development
Advance neuro-oncological

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Recent Articles

Uterine Vascular Hyperplasia, Possible Cause of Unknown Abnormal Uterine Bleeding. An Undescribed Entity

Diagnostic and Therapeutic Challenges of Neuroendocrine Tumors in Low-and Middle-Income Countries: A Clinical Perspective

A Case Report Of A Urinary Tract Infection Caused By Candida Krusei

Knowledge, Attitude and Preventive Practices Towards COVID-19 Among The University’s Population of Ngaoundere-Cameroon

Effectiveness of Undenatured Collagen Type II (UC-II) On Joint Mobility And Endurance: A Retrospective Cross-Sectional Study

The Role and Importance of The Midwife Before, During and After Birth and Their Status In The Health System

Quality of Life among Rural Postmenopausal Women in Bangladesh

Protocol For A Prospective Study of The Effect of Nurse Led Cardiac Rehabilitation In Heart Failure Patients At A Short Term Follow-Up.

Beyond Therapeutic Boundaries: A Rivaroxaban Overdose Case Analysis

He Who Has The Cash Gets The Cure


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Journal of Medical Case Reports and Case series [JMCRCS]- [2692-9880]

Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Reports [JCMPHR] ISSN: 2692-9899


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