Prof. Adel W Ekladious
- Professor of Medicine
- Australia
- Journal Of Medical Case Reports And Case Series
4TH-year medical students: regular teaching on history taking, interpretation of the history and
physical examination of all systems
5th-year medical students: weekly round about the physical signs and interpretation (sign round); weekly tutorials about problem-solving
Interns: attending on taking and presenting patients to myself and the registrar
RMO: concentrate on problem-solving in priority (active and inactive clinical problems) and choice of the investigation
Basic registrars: master history taking, physical examination, flagging active and inactive medical problems and medical plans
Registrars sitting the written exams: written mock exam; weekly tutorials in my subspecialties which include hepatology, general neurology, stroke, heart failure, pulmonary hypertension, and rare diseases
Registrars sitting the clinical exam: Weekend mock exam; weekly short case session, and unlimited long case presentation during the week
Actively participate in a weekly medical grand round
Reviewing and updating the clinical guidelines and policy in the hospital
Permanent positions: supervised two registrars
Locum positions: mentor for one advanced trainee
Introduced the interdisciplinary round in complex medical discharge where the round includes the medical team representative of the allied health and senior nursing staff in addition to the patient, carer and family, and GP via telehealth
1968 - 1974 Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, Egypt
1974 MBBS, Alexandria University, Egypt
1980 Master’s Degree in Medicine, Alexandria University, Egypt
(Thesis: “Paroxysmal AF vs. Chronic AF”)
Postgraduate Training
1974 - 1980 Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria
Specialist Training Program
1991 - 1997 General Medicine, KOC Hospital, Kuwait (Including multiple rotations, totaling 2 years at Royal Free Hospital and Hammersmith Hospitals, UK)
1998 - 2000 Dunedin Hospital, New Zealand
1997 MRCP (I) Member, Royal College of Physicians of Ireland
2001 FRACP Fellow, Royal Australasian College of Physicians
2002 FRCP (I) Fellow, Royal College of Physicians of Ireland
2007 FRCP (Glasgow) Fellow, Royal College of Physicians of Glasgow
2014 FACP Fellow, American College of Physicians
2020 FRCP Fellow, Royal College of Physician of London
stroke, pulmonary hypertension, general neurology, chronic hepatitis, general hepatology, rare diseases
- Oo S, Ekladious A. Delayed Rupture of Left Ventricular Aneurysm with Resultant Coexisting Pseudoaneurysm. ES Journal of Cardiology. 2020; 1(3):1014
- Yee SO, Ekladious A and Hein YP. Mitral Valve Infective Endocarditis with Intracranial Septic Emboli and Hemorrhage. ES J Cardiology. 2020; 1(2): 1012.
- Ekladious, A. Ongoing Fever with SIRS in Patient with Abdominal Abscess. BAOJ Gastro 2020, 3:12:007.
- Lim QY, Mohamad AA, Ekladious A and Wheeler L. Asymptomatic catheter fracture embolization –the risk and benefit of retrieval. Acta Scientific Clinical Case Reports. ASCR-20-CR-031.
- Fish L, Ekladious A and Wheeler LP. Case report – meningitis symptoms in immunocompetent patient: and unusual case of Cryptococcus gatti infection. Med Clin Sci. 2020;2(1):1-10.
- Hein YP, Ekladious A. Hepatic Hydrothorax as the First Sign of Decompensated Cirrhosis of Liver in the Absence of Clinical Ascites. Intern Med J. 2020 May;50(5): 639-640.doi: 10.1111/imj.14826.
- Gamalath S, Ekladious A, Wheeler L, Fish L. Complications of retained cardiac defibrillator coil left in situ. BMJ Case Rep 2020. 13: e233512.
- Chia YYP, Ekladious A. Australian public hospital in patient satisfaction related to early patient involvement and shared decision?making in discharge planning. Internal Medicine Journal 2020. doi: 10.1111/imj.14872.
- Wu L, Ekladious A, Wheeler L, Mohamad A. Wilson Disease: Copper Deficiency and Iatrogenic Neurological Complications with Zinc Therapy. Intern Med J. 2020 Jan;50(1):121-123. doi: 10.1111/imj.14694.
- Ng E, Ekladious A, Wheeler LP. Thrombus risk versus bleeding risk: a clinical conundrum. BMJ Case Rep 2019; 12:e228344. doi:10.1136/bcr-2018-228344
- Wu LM, Ekladious A. Lymphangioleiomyomatosis: diagnostic imaging in an uncommon post-menopausal presentation. Internal medicine journal, 2019. 49(4):549-550. doi: 10.1111/imj.14253.
- Ekladious A, Wheeler LP, Yamanaka M. Gastrograffin: a diagnostic and therapeutic agent. Internal medicine Journal. 2018 Dec;48(12):1547-1549
- Ekladious, A, Tiong, M. Boerhaave syndrome: a common manifestation of a rare disease. Internal Medicine Journal 48(2):222-223. 2018
- Ng, E, Ekladious, A, Gahlot, P. Horses or Zebras: a delayed diagnosis of meralgia paresthesia. BMJ Case Rep 2018. 2018. Doi: 10.1136/bcr-2018-226905
- Chakradeo, K, Narsinghpura, K; Ekladious, A. Sign of Leser Trélat.BMJ Case Report. 2016: CR2016215316
- Ekladious A. Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. Consultant Magazine, Spring 2012, 21-23.
- Ekladious A. Acute fulminant liver failure due to reactivation of hepatitis B. Consultant Magazine, Summer 2011/2012, 21-22.
- Adel EKladious et al., BAOJ Case Res 2020,1: 1 2: 001, Thromboembolic Stroke in a Patient on Warfarin
- Kumar R, Ghali A, Ekladious A, Mahmoud O, Al-Lumani A, Post-transfusion purpura: case report, Ann Hematology, 2001, 80: 488 – 491. DOI 10.1007/s002770100312,
- Adel Ekladious. Sudden unexpected death in Epilepsy. LOJ Med Sci 5(2)-2020. LOJMS.MS.ID.00210. DOI 10.32474
- Ng E, Ekladious A, Wheeler LP. Thrombus risk versus bleeding risk: a clinical conundrum. BMJ Case Rep. 2019;12(3): e228344. Published 2019 Mar 8. doi:10.1136/bcr-2018-228344
- Hein YP, Ekladious A, Wynn S. Mediastinal Hemorrhage Secondary to Spontaneous Perforation of An Aneurysm of A Saphenous Vein Graft to Right Coronary Artery. ES J Cardiology. 2020; 1(4): 1020.
- Suo M, Ekladious A, Sahebolamri M, et al, Acute CMV hepatitis in an immunocompetent patient, BMJ Case Reports CP 2020;13: e234811.
- Adel Ekladious. (2020). A Stroke Occurs. ProClinS Cardiol. 3 (1): 1010
- Compendium of Journal of Clinical and Experimental Cardiology. Abstract: Adel Ekladious; 11; e696 (2021)
- Bell DZ, Ekladious A (2020) an unusual presentation of extra- nodal Pelvic diffuse large B-cell Lymphoma Bacteriol Parasitol ;11;384
- Ekladious A. Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathies (IIMs). G Med Sci. 2021; 2(1): 038-041. https://www.doi.org/10.46766/thegms.anp.21022105
- Taylor J, Ekladious A (2021) Pleural effusion in polycystic kidney and liver disease. Glob Imaging Insights 6: DOI: 10.15761/GII.1000209
- Ekladious A, Fish L, De Chaneet C, Cox C. Nodular Pulmonary Amyloidosis: A Case over Fourteen Years. J Biomed Res Environ Sci. 2021 Feb 06; 2(2): 038-041. doi: 10.37871/jbres1185, Article ID: JBRES1185
- Hoffman MA, Ekladious A, Clinically isolated descending thoracic aortitis in a healthy older woman: a diagnostic challenge, BMJ Case Reports CP 2021;14:e238009.
- Rare cause of Hypercalcemia, Adel Ekladious, Agbayani Evangeline, World Journal of Advance Healthcare Research, SJIF Impact Factor, ISSN; 2457-0400, Volume 5, Issue 3, page N 360-362, Year 2021, WJAHR/1343/5/2021
- Bein Y and Ekladious A, Epilepsia partial’s continue following traumatic brain injury and basal ganglia stroke, J stroke Res Rehabil. 2020:1(1):1-2. Journal of Stroke Research and Rehabilitation, http://inqestpublications.com/PDF/jsrr-1-1002 Pdf
- Prescribing Azathioprine in Medicine and Surgery, A Review Journal of Surgery and Research 4(2021) :284-286, Adel Ekladious, Abdulrazak Mohamad
- Nephrogenic Cholestatic Jaundice, Acta Scientific Clinical Case Reports, Tara Kannan and Adel Ekladious, Volume 2 issue 7 July 2021, Correspondence Adel Ekladious
- Antidepressants related seizures, mini-Review, Adel Ekladious, Tara Kannan, Clinical studies, Medical Case Reports, DOI; 10.46998/IJCMCR
- Sensory ganglionopathy mediated by autoimmunity and toxicity, Tara Kannan, Adel Ekladious, Hematology, medical oncology, Hematology med oncl, 2021, DOI 10.15761/Hmo.1000227, Volume 6;3-3
- Cerebellar Ataxia and mesenteric Panniculitis, Possible IGG4-related disease, A novel presentation
- Adel Ekladious, Emily Wetter and James Allen, Open Access Journal of Biomedical Science, ID. Ooo307. DOI 10.38125/OAJBS.000307
- Rare cause of hypochromic microcytic anemia, Jasmine Christine, Adel Ekladious, International Journal of dental and Medical Sciences, IJDMS. 2021:2(2):1-3, Volume 2/issue1,
- Wet Beriberi and Scurvy, Adel Ekladious, Tara Kannan
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