Emmanuel Andres
- Ph.D
- professor
- France
Emmanuel Andres worked as an associated professor in the University Hospital of Strasbourg, France. In 1998 he worked as Ph.D. in Molecular Biology in the Laboratory of Professor Hoffmann (2011, Nobel Prize of Medicine) in the field of cationic antimicrobial peptides and pathogens-host relations. In 2002, he was nominated Professor at the University of Strasbourg, France. He also was in the head of an Internal Medicine Department (of 62 beads) in the University hospital of Strasbourg, France. He conducts several studies on inflammatory or immune disorders. His recent works also include research and development on human sounds analysis, electronic stethoscopes, e-auscultation, and e-medicine. In that function, he was recruited as an advisor to several pharmaceutical and telemedicine companies or start-ups.
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